Monday, February 27, 2012

不知道为什么每天晚上都要 emo才睡得着觉。我也不想啊,可是要emo也不是我想要的啊。我顶。

January intake有个女生真的让我很看不顺眼叻。不是我找渣的哦,是她自己惹来的。每次罢出那一副 lansi 的样子,看了真的很想揍她一顿。哈哈哈。不是我对她有什么偏见,连我朋友都觉得他很骄傲,好像以为自己很美酱,我呸。算了算了,大人不记小人过,看他还是小妹妹的份上,不要理她。。

很烦很烦恨很恨很很烦。Project 让我很烦,你让我很烦,你们让我很烦。真的很想家:(

horoscope :)

Do you all believe in horoscope ?? Most of the time i do believe, but if is something not good, i never choosed to believe LOL.


* copy from facebook*  No 2,
、热爱暗恋 !! Omg, so damn true muahahaha. And this,haha.【天蝎座习惯】 1.发短信的时候很少会有多字少字或错别字,因为会检查。2.吃完饭碗里要么剩很多,要么能吃的一颗都不剩。3.不喜欢肥皂上粘有毛发,即轻微强迫症。4.穿鞋带的时候要调整到严格的两边一样长,不能有拧麻花的现象发生。5.上厕所的时候,卫生纸对折整齐才用。6.喜欢看男人的手。

No 6, like to look at
男人的手 LOL. I was like laughing my ass off but i admit sometimes i look at their hand hahha如果你对天蝎表白后,天蝎对你说“不喜欢你”或类似的话,就等于判了你死刑。这时不要想着继续努力来感动天蝎,没用。天蝎就像弹簧,你施力越大,TA们就把你弹的越远。天蝎对自己不喜欢的人可以很残忍,就算心里会内疚也会继续残忍,这也是天蝎最冷血的时候。如果还想做朋友,就什么都不要做. THIS IS REALLY TRUEEE !! :D cruel me hahah

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Rat dissection (pity that mice) god bless you :)

Having bio lab yesterday, and having rat dissection experiment. Hmm, our bio lecturer say this mice is a fatty mice bcos it had a lot of lipid LOL

Saw someone share this in facebook, and i like it so much :)

Just because i laugh alot, doesn't mean my life is easy
Just because i have a smile on my face everyday, doesn't mean that something is not bothering me
I just choose to move on,dwell on all the negative in my life
Every moment give  me a chance to renew anew
I choose to be that :D

Somehow, when we tend to know the truth, it's hurts. Emo emo emo emo emo! ><"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

random random random ^^

Okay,this green colour T-shirt i PURPOSELY brought it for the sake of our school want us to wear collar T or formal shirt.  School always have some stupid rules -.-
colours of my life :)

Jogging, part of my life now :)

Our miss low sia yee ^^
I open up really all the physic reference book in the library but still can't find what i want. =="
Just started term 3 two days, TWO days, TWO DAYS only. But i feel pressure around me already.oh my god. How am i going  suffer for another 11 weeks before final? Urghh,study is not something hard. but it's really hard to get rid of that stupid pressure thing. Grr. Pressure just come when i saw people studying so so so ... hardworking. It was like no facebook, no entertainment for myself except some daily jogging ( for the sake of putting off weight ) and swimming ONLY. Owhh,boring boring boring. :( Right now, i need to motivate myself by keep on telling to my brain to suffer for 84 days only.Just imagine u are taking stpm, thinking of yr future job,and just do it. Being a nerd for 84 days sap sap sui la, right? okay, i believe i can do it.Teehee. 100%  confidence. hahahha. Sometimes, blogging really help one's to express his/her feeling. That's why i like to blog nowadays. I told my mum is stress studying here. Then, she told me that, 你现在勤力到变态,以后才有故事跟你孩子讲你以前读书有多够力吗. HAHA. I agree with my mum so much LOL. Next time when my children ask about my college life, i can proudly tell them that how awesome their mom are.hehe.

School is having dinner and dance soon. The only good thing is i can wear pretty dress and eat some awesome food maybe :) April batch are going to end their foundation less than two weeks time. OMG, 我很羡慕他们啊!!!羡慕死了. How i wish i m a april batch student now. Awww.. *wake up la, dun dream liao* >.<

I study physics yesterday and today after mr rao, my physic lecturer class. But, i don't really understand what the hell is that chapter trying to tell. All i know is continuous spectrum and line emission spectrum only. Dumb dumb dumb >.< But, i never give up and i read again today and i get a little but what it is talking about. ^^

It's time to sleep or else yr panda eyes won't get better :) Goodnight world imy

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I miss my dog :) random pic nie hee


又回到 AIMST 这个地方,每次回来之前都超舍不得离开的。亥,可是没办法读书就是要酱。习惯就好,对吧?说真的,家永远是我最喜欢待的地方,因为它是最温暖的 :)想念妈妈煮的菜,虽然没有很美味,可是,吃起来真的很好吃。想念爸爸每天下班回家,我替他开门的那一刻。想念每次和我斗嘴,欺负我的姐姐,我爱你。还有想念我家的可爱小狗,lucky !!

希望尽快开课,这样就可以把注意力放在学业上了:D 不会每次想家。hoho。前几天发了个怪梦,我发梦到你竟然是我的男朋友。= = 哈哈,吓都吓醒我了。一定是日有所思,夜有所梦。哈哈。>.<

Monday, February 13, 2012


情人节快乐 !! :)对我而言,那只是我的快乐星期二。



Sunday, February 12, 2012

I am back :)



终于考完试了。轻松了很多。这次感觉考得不会很好,可是,我第一次觉得无所谓,因为为了这次的考试,我已经下了80的努力。不想给自己满分因为下次的考试,我因定要比这次勤劳多20分。人生也第一次发现,只要尽力过,就算得到的不如期望中的好,也不会后悔 :)

其实,我真的不知道还喜不喜欢你。因为,心里除了你,我还会想着其他人。Hmmmm, 原来我是个花心大萝卜。哈哈哈。



endao lo ^^

ignore my retarded face lol.I like that t-shirt so much :)